You Can Beat Gastric, Constipation, Acidity With Just Simple Food
There are lots of individuals which have constant problem of Gastric, Constipation and acidity, and this is a real problem, lot's of doctor tell that this is due to Gallbladder problem and If you can't get recover from medicine than the option comes of removing of Gallbladder which I don't recommend you when there is a solution. Let's come to the solution. Remember if you have constant problem of gastric, constipation and acidity then you can act on this, even if you do act on this food pattern when you don't have any disease it won't hurt you in any way. Breakfast 1. Take 2 to 3 eggs poked or boiled any style is O.K. 2. Then take Tea with it. ( It's a must only tea no coffee ). Lunch 1. Get some Ghee/Butter Fat. 2. Then cook any thing in it, it can be Chicken, meat, vegetable anything you like just remember don't take bread with it. Dinner 1. Take 30-40 pieces of Almonds. Put them in water so that you can easily peal off the skin of Almo...