
Showing posts from November, 2016

Top 3 effects alcohol has on your hair

What were you doing last weekend? Have you visited some cool party and drink there a couple of champagne glasses, or something stronger? Well, it is time to pay the bills. Today our professionals at the barber shop in Midtown will tell you about three horrible effects alcohol parties have on your hair. Read our article and think twice next time you will hit the floor. Hair dryness Alcohol works as diuretic in our body and causes accelerated dehydration. As a result, your scalp and your locks lack moisture and become dry, weak, and dull. Moreover, too dry skin usually leads to hair dandruff. Drink a lot of water after a marvelous party and apply special hydrating masks, oils or creams to your hair, in order to neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol. Split ends   Dehydration, caused by drinking alcohol, makes your strands weak and dry and such hair is more prone to other damages like split ends and tangling. Combing turns to be pure torture for you and your...

Healthy perks of drinking water in the morning

Water is the foundation of healthy body and mind while dehydration leads to numerous negative consequences. If you want to get the most from water, you should drink it right after waking up: 1. Improvement of hair condition Healthy hair starts with a proper hydration from the outside (conditioning) as well as from the inside (water). Lack of moisture increases the risk of dullness, thinness, and brittleness. According to experts at Best Salon NYC , drinking water on an empty stomach helps to improve the condition of your hair more effectively. 2. Faster metabolism It has been proved that intake of water before breakfast can improve your metabolism considerably. This point is especially important for the ladies, who are trying to lose some extra pounds. A faster metabolism means more opportunities to get a thinner waist and see the desired number on your weigh-scales. 3. Clear and smooth skin Professionals at Best Salon NYC have a common consent on the perks of m...

Dry hair is no longer a problem

Usually, men do not pay a lot of attention to their everyday hair routine. As a result, it is not surprising that most of us have some problems like dry or greasy locks, hair loss, dandruff, and so on. Often, all you need to get rid of these inconveniences is to change your hair habits. Such a simple things like reducing on blow drying and extreme heat, new shampoo and conditioner can turn your world upside down. Best barbers in NYC are ready to tell you three most common care mistakes, which lead to hair dryness. Wrong shampoo Yeah, sometimes it is so boring and annoying thing to read all those inscriptions and look for an appropriate bottle of shampoo. Unfortunately, it is more important than you think. Wrong shampoo can worsen the whole situation. For example: if you buy a shampoo for greasy hair and use it on your dry locks, it will become even more weak, brittle and thin! Visiting a market, simply look for ā€œmoisturizingā€ or ā€œdry hairā€ words and confidently grab the bott...

Myths and facts about winter hair loss

As the weather outside the window turns to be colder and wetter, you may notice that the amount of hair you lose seriously increases. In fact, snow, frost, and strong winds can really damage your scalp and hair follicles what leads to baldness. To provide you with great hair maintenance we offer you three most common myths about winter hair loss. Wearing hats causes balding The fact is that hats keep your head and locks in warm, what can cause dryness and static, but NOT baldness. At the same time, extremely low temperatures can damage your hair follicles and make your hair thinner and much weaker. So, such a stylish accessory like winter hat will never make you bald; moreover, it will protect you from harmful influence of   wet snow, winds, and frost. Winter increases hair loss  Hair loss is a seasonal phenomenon. The number of lost hairs varies from 50 to 100, depending on the period of time and physical peculiarities of the human body. Most of us start t...

Tips on how to reduce migraine at workplace

We often have to go through our workdays with a crippling headache. Thousands of people try to find ways to treat headaches while wondering whether migraines can cause fainting or not. Not many ask themselves a question: how to prevent them from occurring? Here're 4 tips by long island neurologist on how to do just that. 1. Maintain A Healthy Sleeping Pattern A consistent good night's rest is crucial for your health, so make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Infuse some herbs if struggling with insomnia and anxiety. Lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, and peppermint are great for relaxation. Drink a cup of warm brew before going to sleep and follow it by a glass of water. 2. Hydrate                                              ...

Top 3 herbs for healthy person

Our life is full of stresses and hardships of everyday being. Unfortunately, sometimes we are exposed to the pressure of daily routine and become depressed, nervous, and irritable. All these factors influence our general state, hair, nails, skin and sooner or later we have to deal with consequences like a brittle nail, weak, dull hair, and many other problems. Luckily, there is a way out! Our best New York barbers reveal the secret of three most useful herbs for your hair and nails. Lavender We use lavender to make a tasty and odorous tea, but it is something much more than a simple flavoring. Having a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic effect, lavender stimulates blood circulation in your scalp and makes new, strong hairs to grow. Licorice Such a plain plant, actually, can help you to fight such serious diseases like fungal infection, eczema, environmental allergies, and chemical exposure. You just have to add a little bit of hot water to milled...