Healthy Coconuts

Coconut is a useful fruit for most people who live at or under tropical belt. Coconut is a whole food, which is full of calories and different minerals. On average, a coconut which has weight of 400 grams can easily offer all essential minerals and required energy for an averaged size person.

So why is coconut important and what health benefits it can provide? Here are some facts and health benefits that coconut can give you:

1. If you take 100 gram of coconut, it will provide you with almost 400 calories. A coconut depending on where it grew, can have different kinds of bio-active materials which can really benefit the body.

2. If in summer you are feeling really thirsty then drinking coconut water can help to control the thirst.  The coconut water contains cytokin, phosphate, per-oxidase and such which helps to increase the metabolism

3. Coconut contains a fatty acid which is known as lauric acid. 


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