Growing out long hair with professionals

Summer is coming, and it is an excellent opportunity to show your long, beautiful locks to everybody. If it happened that your hair's not long enough for some stunning hairstyle you like, our professionals at Prestige Beauty Salon will teach you how to take the best out of your hair. Check out our secrets of long and shiny strands every woman dreams about. Here are some tips for speeding out a hair growth at home with minimum efforts.
Tip #1 Buy some vitamins
Long hair needs lots of vitamins and minerals. The healthier your body is, the longer and faster your strands grow. Visit the nearest drugstore and buy special supplements for your hair. The main thing you should pay attention to is the presence of vitamin B, biotin, and protein in your pills. Read an instruction carefully and pick up the best.

Tip #2 Be ready to face the problems
Growing out a long hair is a difficult task, mainly because of awkwardness it brings. Be ready constantly to put annoying strands behind your ear, or pin it, especially, if you start with an extremely short cut like a pixie. Wearing long bangs, which hamper your vision, can lead to strabismus and other horrible problems. Bringing your dream to life require a lot of patience.
Tip #3 Train your willpower
No matter how hard you are longing for long hair, it still needs regular trimming. Long strands are especially exposed to split ends and other possible damage, so you should keep in touch with your hair stylist and get regular consultations and trims during the whole period of hair growing.
Trust in yourself and take care of your hair right, and soon you will see first results. To get more profound pieces of advice, visit and we will gladly answer all your questions. 


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