High Blood Pressure How to Over come it ?

High blood pressure is also known as Hypertension. There are lots of people who don't know they have hypertension they only know it when it becomes severe. Every year millions of people die because of hypertension.
In 2002 there were 261000 deaths occurred and 49707 was of due to High blood pressure. In America the number of people who have high blood pressure is 65 million which includes age range from  6 years to 65 years. Out of every three American one is having hypertension. 40% of African American has high blood pressure symptoms. Out of 65 million Americans one fourth of them don't know they have hypertension. How do you get hypertension it's not known, but still research is going out that what actually causes hypertension. Heart attack, Palsy ( Paralysis ) are some of symptoms that link to hypertension. Every year millions of dollars are spent to prevent this hypertension, here are few tips if you follow it then you can save your self from hypertension.


In your diet try to lessen the amount of salt in it.


If you like to eat meat and most of your diet has meat in it, and if beef is your main part of diet try to lessen it as much as you can.


Avoid the usage of ghee/ clarified butter, milk cream, butter just don't use it.


Don't get angry all the time try to control your anger.

Be happy what you have

Be happy on your social status, and what you are earning stay happy and calm in it.

Do exercise regularly

By exercise it doesn't means heavy lifting or very hard exercise, doing a walk every day for 30 minute comes in term of exercise.

Use Vegetables

Use Vegetables, fruit and more fish in your diet. Also try to include Radish and it's leaves in your diet. using Garlic is most effective in curing hypertension. Best usage of garlic is that put garlic in milk or yogurt (half cup ) , two to three small pieces should be enough, in the morning when you wake up, grind the garlic pieces and take it with yogurt or milk. In summer yogurt and in winter milk is best. There are lots of patient that have other diseases along with high blood pressure which include indigestion, constipation, mental tension and like if you have one of these along with high blood pressure then there is a great medicine for it.

Take Ginger fresh, Mint leaves fresh ( Pudina in Hindi ), Pomegranate ( Anardana in Hindi)  and Garlic fresh, grind all these together and use it as sauce in your diet don't add any salt, just these four items, eat them along your other diets, it works wonders. According to Sheikh Arias Ibn Sina Mint is useful for heart, garlic and pomegranate are also effective for heart.

If hypertension is not of some serious type than taking diuretic medicine helps to control the hypertension effectively.

In the end don't take hypertension light with the passage of time it becomes strong and doctors call it silent killer. Hope this article on high blood pressure will help you a lot.


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