5 best Fast food Choices And 5 Not Good Fast Food Choices
Here is my list of five foods which are considered to be best 1. Schlotzsky When you go to Schlotzsky's look for Small Smoked Turkey Breast . Here is the reason a) The amount of Calorie is 353. b) It contains less fat 6gm. c) The amount of Sodium is 1069mg. When ever you go to Schlotzsky's don't go for Orginal Style Turkey you know why ? Here is the reason a) The amount of Calorie is 831. b) It contains less fat 35g. c) The amount of Sodium is 2529mg. This is also due to fact that they add three different types of cheese in it. 2. Quizno's When you go to Quiznos in the menu go for Honey Bourbon Chicken on Wheat. Here is the reason a) The amount of Calorie is 300. b) It contains less fat 5g. c) The amount of Sodium is very less that is 790mg. This is very delicious meal, it makes you full at the same time because of high fiber bread and you also get lean chicken meat. Yummy. The not for look for is Tuna Melt Deli Sub, though it looks...